Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Little Miss Honey...

This sweet little stray kitten tucked herself away in our car engine and rode about 70 miles before being discovered!! She must have some divine destiny to survive a ride like that!!


Lisa but mainly Elmo said...

Poor Baby!!!! did you keep her? btw - love your pics every day. I was going to try and do it but hasn't happened.

Kelly said...

We actually had adopted her mother and found out later that her mother was pregnant! Her mohter was a wild cat and took a long time to get close to. She had 4 kittens but this is the only one that did not run from us. She marched up to us like she owned the place so we were smitten with her from the first day we saw her. Then one day we had gone to my grandsons wrestling match when my daughter saw a man looking under our car. She asked what he was looking at and he told here that there was a kitten was under our car. We opened the hood and there she was all snuggled up in the engine. Of course she got a hero's ride home in the back seat with my grandson!! And she still think's she owns the place!!

Jaime said...

OMG . . poor kitty. Glad she was ok.